Sahra M White

(860) 200-2625

Torrington, CT

Facing the truth isn't always easy, is it?

I'll be the first to admit it – I'm not always up for the tough stuff. And maybe you're not either.

But here's something incredible I've learned on my healing journey: avoiding the hard things, those scary, uncertain tasks? It's actually a stress response called FREEZE mode.

Understanding this has been a game-changer. It explains why I used to start things with gusto, only to abandon them when they got tough. Sound familiar?

See, I used to believe I had to execute every idea flawlessly. And when I couldn't, I'd panic and quit.

But chronic fight or flight has taught me something vital: I need simplicity to heal. I need to strip things back to basics and rebuild from there.

In the midst of Chronic Fight or Flight, we're drained – physically and mentally. We don't have the energy for all the world's demands. But we can simplify, take off the pressure.

I have learned that in order to be a good steward of all God has entrusted to me, including my body and mind, I need to get back to the basics and rebuild my foundations from there.

That's where Life SIMPLIFIED comes in. It's a haven for women battling CFF, just like you. Here, we're all about regaining balance and wellness, one simple step at a time.

In this community, we share recipes, easy workouts, and life hacks – all aimed at helping us show up in life the way we want to.

If you're longing for a tribe of women to navigate life's challenges with, then look no further.

Click 'Join Now' below, and let's simplify life – together.

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Address: Torrington, CT

Phone: +(860) 200-2625
